Cultivating Good Study Habits as a student: How is it done!

Learning to study smarter, not harder, is the foundation to becoming a successful student. As you go through your schooling, this becomes increasingly true.


Learning to study smarter, not harder, is the foundation to becoming a successful student. As you go through your schooling, this becomes increasingly true. If you don't know how to study smarter, an hour or two of studying per day is generally enough to get you through high school with good results. However, when college comes around, there are not enough hours in the day to get all of your studying done.

While some pupils can sail through school with little work, they are the exception rather than the rule. The great majority of the best students succeed as a result of adopting and implementing good study habits. The top ten study habits of highly successful students are listed below. So, if you want to be a good student, don't get disheartened or give up; instead, work on developing each of the study habits listed below, and you'll see an improvement in your grades, knowledge, and capacity to learn and assimilate the material.


1. Don't try to pack all of your studies into a single sitting.

Have you ever stayed up late at night, putting more effort into keeping your eyes open than you did studying? If that's the case, it's time to make a change. Successful students spread their work out over shorter durations and often try to cram everything they need to know into one or two sessions. If you want to be a great student, you must learn to be persistent in your studies and regularly study for shorter periods.


2. Make a schedule for studying.

Successful students set aside specified hours during the week to study and then keep to their program. Those who study on the spur of the moment or a whim do not pay fare and students who follow a strict study routine. Even if you're up to date on your studies, developing a weekly practice in which you set aside time a few days a week to study your courses will ensure that you create habits that will help you succeed in your education in the long run.



3. Studying at the same time is a good idea.

Not only should you determine when you'll study, but you should also establish a consistent, everyday study habit. Studying becomes a routine part of your life if you study each day and week simultaneously. Each study session will be better prepared psychologically and emotionally, and each course will be more productive. It's okay if you have to adjust your plan from time to time due to unforeseen circumstances; get back to your routine as soon as the event is over.


4. Each study session should have a clear objective.

It is ineffective to study without a plan. You must know what you must achieve during each study session. Set a study session to aim to support your overall educational requirement before you start learning (i.e., memorize 30 vocabulary words to ace the vocabulary section on an upcoming Spanish test.)


5. Never put off your scheduled study session.

It's pretty easy and frequent to put off your study session due to a lack of interest in the subject, other obligations, or simply because the assignment is difficult. Talented learners do not postpone when it comes to their studies. Procrastinating your study session will make your studying considerably less productive, and you may not be able to get all done that you need to. Procrastination leads to hurrying, which is the leading source of mistakes.


6. Begin with the most challenging subject.

It would be best, to begin with, your most challenging project or subject because it will need the most significant effort and mental energy. It will be much easier to finish the remainder of your work once you've accomplished the most challenging task. Starting with the most challenging subject, believe it or not, will significantly improve your study sessions' efficiency and academic success.


7. Before beginning an assignment, go over your notes again.

It would be best if you first had notes to evaluate before you could determine them. Make sure to take good notes in class at all times. Revise your notes meticulously before beginning each study session and each assignment to understand how to complete the task correctly. Reviewing your papers before each study session can help you remember crucial information from the day and secure that your studying is focused and productive.


8. Stay focused on your studies and avoid distractions.

Something catches everyone's attention. Maybe it's the television, or perhaps it's a member of your family. Probably it's just that it's too quiet. Some people learn better when there is some background noise. When you're side-tracked while studying, you'll (1) lose track of your thoughts and (2) be unable to concentrate, both of which will result in inefficient studying. Find a quiet spot where you won't be interrupted or distracted before you begin studying. For some, a solitary cubicle in the library's bowels is a haven of peace. Others are in a communal area where there is some background noise.


9. Make good use of study groups.

"Two heads are better than one," as the saying goes. This is true when it comes to studying. Working in groups allows you to (1) get support from others when you're having trouble understanding a concept, (2) finish tasks faster, and (3) teach others, so assisting both the other learners and yourself in internalizing the subject matter. On the other hand, study groups might become unsuccessful if they are not structured and members arrive unprepared. Practical students make good use of study groups.


10. Over the weekend, go over your notes, coursework, and other class materials.

Over the weekend, successful students evaluate what they learned during the week. In this manner, they'll be ready to learn new topics that build on previous assignments and knowledge from the last week.


We're convinced that if you practice the behaviours indicated above, you'll see a significant improvement in your academic performance.

Peter Odon

Peter is a web developer